
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tamarind foam


1 cup of tamarind pulp1 / 2 cup of water2 cups of sugar2 1 / 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin dissolved in 1 / 2 cup water4 egg whites, beaten until stiff1 / 2 cup of milk cream


Blend the tamarind pulp with the water.

Mix the juice with the sugar and bring them to boil, stirring with a wooden spoon.

Remove from heat and immediately add the gelatin dissolved in cold water, stirring quickly until melted and mix well.

Put the mixture into the pan and bring to the fridge.

When you remove it begins to set and beat until frothy.

Add the egg whites to snow and cream, stir well.

Pour into a mold, preferably with a hole in the middle and place in refrigerator until set.

Just before serving, insert the pan in a little hot water for a few seconds, release on the tray that will serve and garnish with whipped cream.

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